Here is our quote of the week. Stop waiting for the perfect time to organize. Take this moment and make some progress. Guys there will never be a time where everything is just right. We will always be busy with work and kids and just life. So if you really want to organize, you need to shift your priorities and make time for it and I promise once you’ve put your house in order you will see that you actually have more time to do the things you love and spend time with the people you love. So if you are ready to de-clutter and organize once and for all I can show you how in one of my upcoming webinars. I’ll see you soon.
Busy, busy, busy. That’s our lives. No time for anything, but we have to do everything. Why?
Why is there never enough time?
In today’s fast paced world, all of us feel the pressure that comes with never having enough time to get everything done. Between work, family, social commitments, and hobbies, it can be overwhelming to find time to tidy up. We tell ourselves that we will do it one day, but guess what?
Years go by and you find that you are still stuck in a decluttering loop because you never decided to devote any time or energy to finally tidying up for good.
If you are feeling like you have no time to organize, you are not alone. I’ve been through it and so have all of my clients. It’s not a sign of laziness, or a lack of motivation or want, it’s simply a matter of life. We are all trying to live the best life we can and keep up.
But just trying to keep up, is not how you live your best life, is it?
Life is going to keep moving whether your space is organized or messy, so I’ll place my bet on life being much happier and peaceful if your space is organized.
Instead of saying, “I have no time”, start saying, “I will make the time”.
You see, you do have time. It’s just a matter of prioritizing that time to do the things that matter most to you. If getting your home and life organized so that you are a more calm, productive person is important to you, you will prioritize your time to make that happen.
Or, you can keep running around everyday like a chicken with your head cut off, as my grandma used to say.
Let’s try a little activity I like to do with my clients. I call it the Time Test.
Before my clients and I begin working together, I like to put them to the test. Their test is to write down everything they do each day and document how long they did it, for one week, including the weekend.
At the end of the week, we discuss the results and you know what we find … wasted time.
It never fails. When people truly look at how they are spending their time, it is an eye opener.
Just to be clear, I’m not here to judge. Just like you, I have priorities. I cook, take care of my home and family, and I have a career. Time is stretched thin in my world, so I have to plan wisely in order to fit in something that is important to me: exercise.
I could throw in the towel and say I have no time to workout, but instead, I plan out my week to fit in my workout. It’s all about prioritizing, planning, and moving my schedule a bit to fit in the things that are important to me.
And, you can do it too!
So, I challenge you to do the Time Test and let’s just see if you are as busy as you say you are, or are you busy playing on your phone for 4 hours everyday?